
“Letting the audience be part of the story without actual audience participation lets people escape society and become totally immersed within our creative universe.”

My directing mission is to take socially relevant topics and find creative, out-of-the-box ways to put these topics front and center while using the magic and entertainment of the theatre to create a unique experience. I enjoy taking traditional theatrical conventions and flipping them on their heads. By using primarily minimal technical and nontechnical elements, it is my goal to keep the audience engaged and trying to piece together the story as it’s being told.


As a director, I firmly believe in the power of perspective.

By deciding what perspective to use to help tell a story, the audience is taken in a certain direction down a road they might not have ventured down on their own. Letting the audience be part of the story without actual audience participation lets people escape society and become totally immersed within our creative universe.


I take most of my inspiration from expressionism.

What I enjoy about expressionism is the concept of creating a feeling of restlessness that every person in the space is affected by. My hope and goal is that the audience engages their imaginations to make sense of my interpretation of a script.

Directed Works:

Bodies by Rachel Bykowski- Chicago Arc Theatre

Speaking in Tongues by Andrew Bovell- Marquette University/self produced

Five Women Wearing the Same Dress by Alan Ball

The Art of Murder by Joe DiPietro